Alright ladies and some gentlemen, unless you're really looking to settle down, one thing UP and I wholly support is dating "bad boys". These are boys that for various reasons, you wouldn't be especially proud to bring home to mom & dad, but are (temporarily) lots of fun! While I am officially an old married woman, UP encouraged me to reminisce on the old days and heed advice to our fellow readers.
The pothead
The pothead is probably the first type of bad boy we all date, typically in high school. He's hot, chill, thin enough so you can see his muscles so he looks kinda ripped, and lets you smoke gratis. He ups your street cred and is fun to make out with. However, they are way too lazy to even be in an "official" high school relationship and you'll go away to college and move on anyway. No harm no foul.
In college you may meet the smart stoner. This guy isn't afraid to smoke in his freshman dorm room, will later grow pot in his apartment, and have every possible marijuana paraphernalia you can envision. He puts your high school pothead's plastic pop (SODA, whatevs) bottle bong to shame. He's not so different from your high school pothead, just probably way smarter. He will get better grades than you without ever going to class... or maybe not. He is also hot, skinny, and fun to hook up with, but you get tired of him over time. Slowly you realize that the booty calls all take place at his apartment and you only eat takeout in his apartment because he never leaves, and his friends are shady as fuck. He's an easy one to get rid of because he's too lazy to make an effort.
The boy who has a girlfriend
I think I may have dabbled in this situation in high school, but I'm going to give UP the reins to delve into the pros and cons of this situation.
[UP says:] There are only cons to this situation, never pros. He isn't leaving his girlfriend (even if they are "on the way out" and he "wants to break up in person") and you'll always give him the side eye if he does. Hopefully this situation, like all the others, can be chalked up to youthful indiscretion. Also, a huge red flag--- he went to your undergrad's rival school: it was doomed from the start.
The Republican
Okay, so he's a fiscal conservative, not a social conservative. That makes it ok, right? Dating one of the "Good Ole' Boys" is kind of exciting, I'm not going to lie. He wears J. Crew, Vinyard Vines, and Brooks Brothers like it's his job. He is also probably a member of a fraternity and can drink nearly anyone under the table. Basically, he gives you a vision of what life on the other side might be like. Your parents probably like him too.
But let's be real here. He doesn't VOTE for women's rights, so why should he care about yours? This relationship likely ends when he finds someone younger (but not cuter) to poke. It's ok, you don't ACTUALLY want to end up with a Republican.
The boy who is just up for hooking up
We've all had one of these. He may (likely) even fall into one of the above categories. Being friends with benefits is maybe even a mutual choice! He's fun in the sack (or maybe that's just in your head). But the constant sexting at 3am begging you to come over because he "misses you" is not ok.
The bad boy with a heart of gold
This is our favorite type of bad boy. Unfortunately, he is not real and only exists in movies such as 10 Things I Hate About You (Patrick Verona aka Heath Ledger).
That said, I'm sure there are other types of bad boys that have been encountered. Share your experiences with us!
I can't help but feel we put ourselves on blast.
ReplyDelete(I laughed)
ReplyDeletewoops! we totally did.
ReplyDeleteyou did a little bit. i enjoyed it.